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Sinopec Staff composition

From 2016 FR/Pg 69

PetroChina & Sinopec



文/origin 智东西(zhidxcom )   以国家电网为例,2016年其累计建成了4万个公共电桩,全年共提供了1200余万次充电服务——也就是说,单个充电桩每日的使用频次不足一次(作为比较,同样以重资产投入著称的汽车分时租赁,在北京的数据是每天使用5.1次 )。而单台公共慢充设备的成本为5000元(快充桩则是3万起步)以上,运营商仅靠收取0.8元/kwh的充电服务费(以北京服务费标准为例),在不计损耗的情况下,这台充电桩要运行6250个小时才能回本,也就是说,它要不眠不休连续工作260天,才能证明自己不是个赔钱货。 作者:-曹大勇- 链接: 来源:雪球 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。

Regional Food company valuation

Draft: 3/23/2017 Data source: Super group voluntary offer from JDE Definition: EV/EBITDA ratio illustrates the ratio of the market value of a company’s business relative to its historical consolidated pre-tax operating cashflow performance, without regard to its capital structure, and provides an indication of current market valuation relative to operating performance. “EV” is the sum of a company’s market capitalisation, preferred equity, minority interests, short-and long-term debts less cash and cash equivalents, and represents the actual cost to acquire the entire company. “EBITDA” refers to historical consolidated earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation expenses. EBITDA can be  used  to  analyse  the  profitability  between companies as it eliminates the effects of financing and accounting decisions. SG Local Companies:     Regional Companies Group's dividend history Other food company's div...

What is Catalist

I got this article from the net while doing research on some catalist counters, it is a good read for me when I was not in SG during 2007, 2008 period. The copyright is with original owner. >>>> Singapore : SGX Unveils Catalist, Sponsor-Supervised Listing Platform For Fast Growing Companies Last Updated: 13 February 2008 Article by  Nicole Tan The Singapore Exchange Limited (the "SGX") lauched "Catalist 1 ", its sponsor-supervised listing platform for fast growing local and international companies on 26 November 2007. Catalist is the transformed SESDAQ (Stock Exchange of Singapore Dealing and Automated Quotation system), SGX's then second board. The transformation was a bold move taken by SGX following an extensive study of other market models, and a public consultation in May 2007. The rules for Catal...

Information about Australia

Draft: 2/13/2017 Source: Frasers Logistic & Industrial Trust IPO prospectus 2015 output by industry sector Finance & Insurance (A$143b) ======================== Leading investor countries: US: A$758.2b (27%) UK: A$484.2b (17%)  Belgium: A$226.1b (8%) Japan: A$174.7b (6%) Singapore: A$80.2b (3%) HK: A$77.3b (3%) China: A$65b India: A$11b ======================== From 2012-2016, A$ depreciated 31% against RMB, 27% against KRW, 24% against GBP, 25% against SGD. Population: 24m people. Population growth is faster than its European peers, and drives consumption spending and demand for retail goods.

Keppel (BN4) 2016 Financials by Segment

Date: 1/31/2017 Info from Unaudited report 2016 ================== Revenue ($'000) O&M %of Grp %of Seg Property %of Grp %of Seg Infra %of Grp %of Seg Investments %of Grp %of Seg Elimination Total External sales 2,853,509 2,035,435 1,744,075 134,245 – 6,767,264 Inter-segment sales 405 6,445 24,537 67,188 -98,575 – Total 2,853,914 42.2% 2,041,880 30.2% 1,768,612 26.1% 201,433 3.0% -98,575 6,767,264 Segment Operating profit 134,972 17.0% 4.7% 504,744 63.5% 24.7% 93,766 11.8% 5.3% 48,429 6.1% 24.0% 13,302 795,213 Investment income 940 12,031 -6 2,214 – 15,179 Interest income 58,180 26,845 ...